Category Archives: Finances

Which Downpayment Strategy is Right for You?

You’ve most likely heard the rule: Save for a 20-percent down payment before you buy a home. The logic behind saving 20% is solid, as it shows that you have the financial discipline and stability to save for a long-term goal. It also helps you get favorable rates from lenders.

But there can actually be financial benefits to putting down a small down payment—as low as 3%—rather than parting with so much cash up front, even if you have the money available. read more

Living in the Parents Does More Harm Than Good


This research paper from the Housing Finance Policy Center on whether children living with parents saves money and builds wealth.  (Spoiler Alert: It Does Not.) It is a fascinating read, however here is the summary:

The sluggish labor market and the increase in housing and education costs following the housing market crisis have encouraged millennials to stay with their parents. These shifts may have long-term consequences, as those who live with their parents delay headship and homeownership. Even though they may save some money by extending their stay with their parents, our results show that such behavior could have a negative long-term impact on their wealth. While many have experienced a decline in their housing wealth during the recession, housing is still one of the most important tools for building long-term wealth. Goodman and Mayer (2018) find that homeownership as an investment has financially outperformed stocks and bonds, even without including benefits from tax subsidy. Choi and coauthors find that those who bought homes between the ages of 25 and 34 have the greatest housing wealth at age 60.1 Those who bought before age 25 receive the biggest housing investment return. In this report, we find no long-term advantage to living with parents. After controlling for other factors, living with parents delays headship and homeownership. Moreover, there is no evidence that those who lived with their parents were able to buy more expensive homes or put more down. While these conclusions should be treated as tentative—considering the study’s limited time frame and because the observations of long-term consequences were drawn from an older group—our results suggest that living with parents has negative long-term economic consequences. read more

9 Ways to Stop Thanksgiving From Sending Your Energy Bill Soaring

Your home gets a serious workout on Thanksgiving. While you may be packing on the pounds, your home is sweating from increased usage — more people coming in and out, and more digital devices to charge so everyone can keep up with their favorite football team and friends.

Your home’s energy consumption can skyrocket, especially when the oven’s working non-stop and you’re pulling out kitchen gadgets to chop and puree.

Give your home a break, and don’t make it work so hard, which will also save you cash on energy bills.  CLICK TO READ MORE!

Is Your Rent Going Up?

Homeownership helps provide predictability. Individuals can enjoy steady and consistent housing costs thanks to the tax incentive that allows them to own a home. That’s because a fixed-rate mortgage payment might not change for 15 to 30 years, while rents typically increase 2 to 3 percent a year. read more